Gyana has been shut down. Read more on our blog.
Learn about tips, product updates and company culture.
Goodbye Gyana
We have some sad news - Gyana is shutting down. Read on to learn about our decision.
David Kell
Behind the scenes on our top 5 features
Getting the inside scoop on our most popular features, from the people who built them.
Lorraine Chabeda
How our data scientist showed us the future of business presentations
Running our monthly meetings on a Gyana dashboard because “it was better than slides”.
Andrew Li
Gyana 2021, Wrapped
Happy holidays everyone. Our review of Gyana in 2021, reflections on no-code data platforms and what comes next. Have a wonderful break!
David Kell
Learnings from one week with Gyana
Tips and tricks, surprising insights and new ways of working. Gyana (the company) will never be quite the same again.
David Kell
The next chapter of Gyana
Gyana 2.0 is live! Read to learn about the transition, why we did it and our vision for the future of Gyana.
David Kell
July 2021
Here's the fifth monthly update for your delight! Everything new with Gyana, including the features of the upcoming 2.0!
Pritesh Kapadia
June 2021
Welcome to our fourth episode of Gyana's Monthly Product Update! Another exciting month as we've onboarded our first few beta users onto Gyana 2.0.
Pritesh Kapadia
May 2021
Find out what's new with Gyana! This is the May 2021 official product update.
Pritesh Kapadia
April 2021
March was another great month for our Tech Team. We also launched on AppSumo, which brought a new wave of tech experts onto the app, which will lead to what we crave more: feedback! 🙌
Pritesh Kapadia
March 2021
Here is the complete list of all the updates released on the Gyana app in March 2021, including bug fixes, additions, changes and deprecations.
Pritesh Kapadia
Building a bicycle for data
At one level, working with data is deeply intuitive, but in business it remains a technical skill. That's why we decided to build a new kind of tool, a bicycle for data.
David Kell